remote desktop setup

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Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
Type: Freelance
Start: Per direct
Duur: Onbekend
Geplaatst op: 24 juni 2024 om 23:54 uur
Specialisme: Systeem- / Netwerkbeheer
Tariefindicatie: In overleg / n.t.b.


Requirements for remote desktop:
1) In the remote desktop setup, we want to restrict all the sites except google search engine, stack overflow, YouTube etc.
2) Nobody can access Gamil, Hotmail, Yahoo, Any transfer (sharing) site etc.
3) We want all kind of security in remote desktop. Also, we want to implement IP based restriction in remote desktop. For example, GitHub can access on the Unikoop IP address. From outside nobody can access GitHub.
4) We want active directory where all the remote desktop users can maintain along with different usernames and passwords.


Korte omschrijving van de organisatie