IT Integrator / Delivery manager (Customer Data Domain) (QR10316)

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Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland
Type: Detachering
Starten op: 27-3-2025
Duur: 12 maanden / kans op verlenging
Geplaatst op: 14 maart 2025 om 11:02 uur
Specialisme: Projectmanagement
Tariefindicatie: In overleg / n.t.b.


Functie: IT Integrator / Delivery manager (Customer Data Domain) (QR10316) 
Start: 27-3-2025, 36 uur per week 
Periode: 12 mnd+
Omgeving: Amsterdam 

For our client in Amsterdam, we are looking for a IT Integrator / Delivery manager (Customer Data Domain).

This request is not suitable for zzp!

Experienced professional, comfortable with design and delivery phases where multiple squads and stakeholders need to connect to deliver.

Our tribe contributes to the strategy by delivering customer data services which can be directly integrated into the mobile, web and assisted channels of our consuming entities: Retail banks, Business banks and Wholesale bank.

We are looking for a content driven delivery expert to join our Representation management data services area.
• Representation management: is all about the rights an individual or organisation can give to another individual or organisation to perform banking activities on their behalf. It is functionality at the heart of our banking proposition and plays an important role to enable our client to become a NextGen digital bank.
• Data services: services which enable our customers to view and change their data, for example the right to execute a payment on their behalf. These services include a front-end component and a back-end component (APIs), and are delivered on our platform.

Keys to succeed:
• Analytical mind who is keen to thoroughly deep dive and understand the content
• Driver personality to bring the analysis and/or delivery to the finish line together with the experts and teams
• Experience within a bank and/or customer data domain
• Stakeholder manager: enthusiastic driver of initiatives, also comfortable with reporting/aligning with senior management
• Ability to work with subject experts, product owners, architects, engineers etc.


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